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How mobile tech has significantly transformed storytelling and advertising strategies

From digital transformation to data-led insights – winds of change are sweeping the mobile marketing ecosystem. Today, mobile marketing is emerging as the most effective marketing technique. As per industry reports, global mobile marketing market size is expected to be valued at $337.8 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 22.9%. Industry reports also reveal that in India, the share of ad spends on mobile devices is expected to reach 78% of the total digital media expenditure in 2023.

As per reports, ad spends in the in-app advertising market has reached around $2318 million in the year 2023. Ad spends are estimated to be record an annual growth rate of 11.91%, leading to a forecasted market volume of $4068 million by the year 2028. In the in-app advertising market, ad spending per mobile internet user amounted to nearly $2.30 in the year 2023. Worldwide spending on mobile advertising has crossed $327.1 billion and is predicted to exceed $339 billion by the end of the year 2023. The most important mobile advertising platforms include Meta Ads, AdMob, Google Ads, Airpush, Apple Search, Tube Mogul and others.

Be it SMS ads or banner ads shown in mobile games, mobile advertising is considered to be one of the most effective tools for advertising in current times. Mobile advertising utilises channels such as rich media mobile ads, coming under the broad spectrum of Mobile Marketing. Mobile Advertising allows advertisers to reach more users since over half of the population owns a mobile phone nowadays and checks their smartphones almost 24×7. It also permits hyper-targeted advertising, utilising useful data points of the target group including their location, tastes and preferences, habits, demographics, purchase behaviour, operating system, and device connectivity. It allows advertisers to take advantage of geolocation-based targeting, sending timely offers to individuals at the most perfect time of the day, with their consent. Mobile Advertising leads to higher conversion rates and is more cost-effective as compared to other means of advertising. As the privacy measures become more stringent, marketers and advertisers are coming up with alternative solutions, including capitalising on cohort analysis.

With the considerable rise in spending on mobile advertising, there is a greater need for correct measurement and detection of ad fraud. Depending on the audience, category, and context, some of the mobile ad types and their formats are banner ads, rewarded ads, native ads, interstitial ads, audio ads, playable ads, audio ads, text ads, and others. Some of the mobile advertising measurement metrics include Average Revenue Per User or ARPU, Average Revenue Per Paying User or ARPPU, App Install Fraud Rate, Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Average session per user, Cost per Install, (CPI), Click to Install (CTI), Effective Cost per Mille (eCPM), Cost Per Action (CPA), Lifetime Value (LV), Pay Per Click (PPC), Retention Rate (RR), Repeat Purchase Rate (RPR), Return on Experience (ROX), Paid Conversion Rate (PCR),  Share of Remarketing Conversions.

The Mobile Revolution

Speaking to Adgully, Abhishek Vyas, Founder, My Haul Store, said, “I think, even after the introduction of digital advertising, what has made the technology mainstream are smartphones and mobile platforms. Currently, smartphones represent a significant portion of digital advertising. For instance, Google’s decision to eliminate third-party cookies reshaped internet advertising, including smartphone marketing, on a broad scale, and novel marketing dynamics like influencer marketing through Instagram, YouTube, etc., came in handy since 99% of social media users are mobile users. Traditional methods like print and TV ads are losing effectiveness, while mobile-specific strategies like influencer marketing, social media ads, and location-based targeting are booming. Mobile tech changed advertising. Companies now target consumers on their phones through social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), messaging apps (WhatsApp), and mobile-friendly emails.”

According to Sandeep Saini, VP – Growth, Team Pumpkin, “The constant advancement of mobile technology has not only created new opportunities, but also completely changed the way that brands interact in the ever-changing field of marketing. A paradigm change has been sparked by the emergence of mobile technology, which has forced us to reconsider and rework our advertising methods to ensure that our messages effectively reach the right audience.”

Kumar Saurav, Chief Strategy Officer, AdCounty Media, observed, “The rapid internet penetration and easy availability of smartphones have rendered a dramatic shift of advertising strategies towards mobile platforms. Ever-evolving consumer behaviour urged marketers to rethink and revamp their messaging approach to boost customer acquisition. Organisations have witnessed a remarkable shift from traditional media and an inclination towards smartphones due to its ubiquitous connectivity. This has compelled businesses to place a pivotal focus on mobile-optimised websites, responsive design and mobile-based applications to scale customer engagement. The rise of mobile technology has also been instrumental in helping brands deliver hyper-personalised content through targeted advertising efforts by thoroughly analysing user preferences collected through mobile activities. Marketers are also resorting to location-based advertising to reach customers within a defined radius to amplify customer acquisition.”

“The Internet Advertising Revenue Report suggests that a significant share of internet advertising spending can be attributed to mobile digital ads with approximately $7 out of $10 is allocated to mobile ad campaigns.” he added.

In the past two decades, the marketing landscape has transformed significantly due to the widespread accessibility of the Internet, mainly through smartphones. Video ads have demonstrated exceptional effectiveness in capturing attention and driving engagement, with mobile video ads boasting the highest click-through rates according to Google. The surge in mobile applications has opened new avenues for in-app advertising and collaborations, facilitating location-based targeting for personalised content. Yet, the potential of mobiles still needs to be explored, with virtual search tools, image-recognition platforms, and branded filters just beginning to reveal the diverse ways mobile technology can be utilised in marketing.” shares Ritesh Ujjwal, Co-Founder, Kofluence.

Interactive Content in Mobile Advertising

Abhishek Vyas elaborated, “When you say interactive content, that again boils down to the social media content strategy. Let’s say, an engaging Instagram Reel, where your favourite influencer educates, or provides tricks and tips. You may have become convinced enough that you might make a purchase. But then again it is not limited to interactive social media content. Take Zomato’s push notifications, often featuring playful quizzes like “pizza or biryani?” These personalised prompts not only grab users’ attention, but also gather valuable data on their preferences, allowing Zomato to tailor future notifications and promotions for improved engagement and conversion. As consumers actively participate in these interactive experiences, they become more than just passive recipients of marketing messages. They transform into engaged stakeholders, invested in the brand’s success and more likely to become loyal customers.”

“Interactive content in mobile ads is being used by brands more often to improve user engagement in a number of significant ways. The use of artificial intelligence, gamification, in app marketing, virtual reality, and many other strategies has led to a rise in engagement, conversation rates, and brand recall. The incorporation of interactive information into mobile advertisements enhances user experience while enabling brands to forge deeper bonds, obtain insightful data, and promote meaningful engagements,” added Sandeep Saini.

According to Ritesh Ujjwal, “In our influencer marketing campaigns, we strategically harness the power of mobile platforms for both content distribution and engagement. By optimising content for mobile devices, we ensure that it seamlessly reaches the target audience wherever they are. Kofluence has consistently explored novel technologies to develop innovative strategies such as gamification, polls, and augmented reality filters in collaboration with brands. for enhancing the appeal of influencer marketing campaigns for the brands with which we collaborate. A standout example is our collaboration with Domino’s on a recent campaign that featured an interactive and visually captivating augmented reality (AR) filter. The campaign’s remarkable success can be primarily attributed to integrating the AR filter, resulting in impressive engagement. Additionally, we strategically leveraged Delhi’s top creators to transform Domino’s Red Hot hoarding into a personalised spectacle, successfully promoting the launch of their new line of pizzas in an immersive manner.”

Kumar Saurav explained that interactive content refers to any digital content that urges users to participate with the ultimate goal of boosting user engagement and foster a dynamic user experience – infographics, quizzes, clickable white papers, polls, interactive landing pages, etc. “Incorporating interactive content into your PPC strategy is very essential to drive engagement and increase the likelihood of conversions. A great example of using interactive content without seeming obtrusive is ‘native advertising’. They can be posted on websites using third-party platforms or on social media feeds and can help create an immersive experience without irritating your audience,” Saurav added.

He further said, “The reason why native ads resonate well with the audience is because through them, brands aren’t trying hard to sell their products/ services. Instead, the goal is to raise brand awareness, boost impressions, educate customers about the benefits associated with the product/ service and garner important user information to deliver tailored ads in the future for better conversions.”

Embedding Ads in Mobile Apps and Cultivating Direct User Connections

While talking about Ads in Apps, Abhishek Vyas said, “The marketing strategies may vary from brand to brand and their business objectives. However, as a mainstream proven methodology, most brands are integrating advertising within mobile apps through native ads, interactive elements, location-based targeting, gamification, personalised recommendations, influencer marketing, and user-generated content. These strategies create a more direct connection with users by offering relevant experiences, encouraging active participation, building trust through influencers and user-generated content, and providing immediate value. This shift from passive to active interaction allows brands to forge deeper connections and build stronger communities within mobile apps.”

Mobile Video Mastery: Crafting Attention-Grabbing Content for Shorter User Attention Spans

Brands are placing a solid focus on crafting concise, impactful and succinct narratives through video formats to capture the attention of its target audience. This helps them resonate with users on a personal level. With the reducing attention spans of mobile users, we are primarily attempting to make the first few seconds of the video appealing so as to retain the attention of the viewer. The idea is to avoid bombarding the viewer with information within a 30-second video.

Kumar Saurav said, “Instead, what we must focus on is unveiling only the essential aspects of your product or service and ignite the curiosity within the consumer. To ensure optimal visibility, it is better to stick to vertical or square video formats. Employing subtitles or adding text to videos for silent viewing in addition to emphasising fast-paced videos to sustain the attention of the viewers, prove beneficial.”

Sandeep Saini added here, “With the increasing use of mobile devices, businesses now have new and creative ways to connect with clients and foster a sense of loyalty and engagement. In the rapidly changing mobile world, our agency is dedicated to providing optimal strategies that center upon captivating, concise, and interactive video content, as well as tailored user-centric experiences that connect with our target audience.”

Personalised Storytelling and Strategic Intelligence

Vivek Chandra Shenoy, VP – Strategy & Head of Digital Marketing, Red Bangle, pointed out, “The rise of mobile technology has significantly transformed storytelling and advertising strategies. Unlike traditional TV commercials, the advertising strategy on mobile platforms leverages data, intelligence on consumer journey, timing, etc., to make it personalised and relevant to the audiences.”

Citing an example, Shenoy said, “For instance, Zomato utilises behaviour-based advertising on their app, showcasing potential savings with Zomato Gold to frequent users. This approach combines intelligence (data) and intuition (creative), boosting the effectiveness of ads. Another example closer home is Swiggy’s winter jacket ad, served on the delivery partner’s platform this winter season. The videos were personalised and leveraged at the right time to encourage delivery partners to buy and use Swiggy winter jackets that were specially-designed for dealing with the cold winter ordeal that partners await as the season begins.”

Gaurav Kaushik, CEO, Technians, said, “Mobile advertising presence is now a key determinant in how your brand is perceived among online users. According to Statista, the mobile internet penetration rate in India has reached 53% and is expected to increase further by 2040. It can be done via display ads, video ads, and banner advertisements. Compared to other methods, mobile advertising has viral potential and is crucial for businesses to increase brand awareness, reach target audiences, drive user engagement, messages are instant, cost-effective and generate revenue.”

To optimise video ads for mobile viewing, it’s essential to prioritise a mobile-friendly format, such as vertical or square videos, and optimise file sizes for quick loading. Adding subtitles or captions accommodates viewers who prefer watching without sound. Keeping video ads short and engaging, ideally within the 15-60 second range, is crucial given mobile users’ shorter attention spans. Employing eye-catching visuals, compelling storytelling, and a clear call-to-action helps capture attention and encourages immediate audience engagement. Furthermore, personalising video ads based on available mobile data, such as demographics, location, or behavioural information, allows for a tailored viewing experience. For example, a clothing retailer can create personalised video ads showcasing products aligned with a viewer’s browsing history or past purchases. By strategically combining these elements, brands can foster resonance with their audience and establish a meaningful connection.” Mentions Ritesh Ujjwal.


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