Samsung has unveiled the latest addition to its Galaxy Book series – the Galaxy Book4. This sleek laptop features a full metal body weighing only 1.55 kg, a spacious 39.62 cm Full HD display, and runs on the latest Intel Core 5 Processor 120U/Core 7 Processor 150U. One of the standout features of the Galaxy Book4 is the cutting-edge AI-powered Photo Remaster tool, designed to enhance low-quality images.
The Galaxy Book4 boasts a 16-inch FHD Dynamic AMOLED 2X Anti-Glare display with a resolution of up to 1920 x 1080 pixels. It is powered by either an Intel Core i5 Processor 120U or a Core i7 Processor 150U, both equipped with 12 MB Smart Cache and Intel Graphics. The laptop runs on Windows 11 Home operating system, offers up to 16GB LPDDR4x RAM and 512GB NVMe SSD storage, and comes with a 54 Wh battery.
In comparison to its predecessor, the Galaxy Book3, the Galaxy Book4 offers several improvements at a similar price point of Rs 70,990. Both laptops feature a 54 Wh battery, 16GB RAM, and 512 GB NVMe SSD storage. However, the Galaxy Book4 stands out with its larger display, more powerful processors, and advanced display technology.
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